A project of
Data for California
June 6, 2016

2016 Primary Spotlight: June 7 Primary States

Expect major news outlets to declare Hillary Clinton the presumptive Democratic nominee on Tuesday night, June 7 — primary day for voters in six states. Even though California, with its 475 pledged delegates and 73 super delegates at stake in the Democratic primary, has been called “the big enchilada” by Senator Bernie Sanders, Sec. Clinton is expected to reach the 2,383 delegates required for a majority even before Californians’ votes are counted, once New Jersey’s polls close at 8 EDT.

Even so, California will still be one of the most closely watched Democratic presidential primaries in modern times. California’s voter rolls grew by almost 650,000 in the final six weeks of registration, and 3/4 of those new voters were Democrats. Of the 646,220 people who registered in the final rush — between April 8 and May 23 — 76% became Democrats who want to weigh-in in the race between Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton.

Seventy percent of the eligible voters in California and New Mexico, one of the other June 7 primary states, are members of the Rising American Electorate –unmarried women, people of color, and millennials. 28% of California’s eligible voters and 35% of New Mexico’s vote-eligible population are Latinos.

Learn more about unmarried women in the June 7 primary states:

January 4, 2016

New Data for the New Year

Here’s an updated look at the median earnings, health insurance coverage and poverty rates for unmarried women in 16 states. These profiles provide detailed demographic and economic portraits of the growing number of increasingly politically-powerful single women.

October 9, 2015

How CA's Fair Pay Act Will Help Women

From Vauhini Vara at The New Yorker, here’s a look into the existing research on the pay gap between men and women, and what California’s Fair Pay Act—signed by governor Jerry Brown on October 6—will do to address that gap.

In California, the Fair Pay Act puts in place some provisions similar to [the proposed federal Paycheck Fairness Act]; it also bars employers from setting wages for any of its employees at rates lower than those paid to employees of the opposite sex for similar work—not only for equal work—and applies to people who work at different offices for the same employer.

July 20, 2015

Statistical Profile of Unmarried Women: California

Our research team has compiled available data from the US Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other sources to put together this statistical profile of the demographic and economic circumstances facing unmarried women in the state of California.

Report updated January 2016


A statistical profile of the demographic and economic circumstances facing unmarried women in the state of California. (Updated January 2016)